Working from home - when to switch off

by Charlotte Wilson

The Designated Family Judge for Birmingham, Her Honour Judge Thomas, at the beginning of this year released the “Well-being protocol” which gave helpful advice on working hours and the shear amount of hours lawyers were putting into cases and there should be a cut-off point to the working day.

Taking that into consideration and having spent some time working from home, it has sometimes been very difficult to find an end point to the working day. I find that when I am in the office and leave, I am officially done. At home, I find myself working later, answering later phone calls. When your “office” is your own home, that cut off point more or less ceases to exist and I often find myself having to force myself to just stop working.

Lucky for our clients, there is a dedicated team who work very hard in obtaining the best results for their clients whether that be within the hours of their working day or beyond and an approachable out of hours service is available for those who need it. Our Birmingham Solicitors are here to help you.
