The Third Lockdown

Blog by Emma Browne

With a third lockdown underway the pressures and stresses of the pandemic are really starting to show. The first lockdown, although difficult, was new to everybody and had an element of excitement of the unknown. Never have we ever had the opportunity to not work and receive 80% pay, nor have we not been allowed to go out for some food, a drink or a night out with friends or family. Millions of people started to go on daily walks, something they have never done, they were baking banana loaves, using Facetime and watching series on top of series. The weather was amazing, we were able to spend our days and nights in the garden, watch the sun rise and the sun set. We spent our Thursdays clapping for our carers, making bunting for VE day and tuning in for PE with Joe Wicks.

This new lockdown however is different, the mornings are dark, the nights are dark, the weather is unpredictable, cold and wet. We already know what to expect, we know the financial burden the first lockdown carried and what this third lockdown is likely to carry. Home working has become the new normal, business have been closed, jobs lost with bills mounting and there never seems to be an end. With the vaccinations in progress, we can now see the light at the end of the road. It is important for everyone to be extra vigilant of the well-being and feelings of those around you. Pick up the phone and talk to that family member or friend you haven’t heard from for a while and ask if they are ok. Organise a time to have a Facetime call, plan to go for a walk whilst on the phone to each other, send a card and let them know you’re thinking of them. The smallest things can make the biggest difference to somebody, especially in times like this. We may not all be in the same boat, but we are all in the same storm so we have to stick together.

If you are struggling, contact the Samaritans on 116 123 or visit:

If you require any legal advice in relation to family, care or criminal matters please contact Greens Solicitors in Birmingham, or call the office on 0121 233 2042.
