Happy 200th Birthday Florence Nightingale

by Lindsey Foster

The year of 2020 marks the bicentenary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. Florence was born on 12th May 1820 and her birthday is now celebrated as International Nurses’ Day.

Florence is credited with founding modern-day nursing; dedicating her life to saving others and improving hygiene conditions and standards of care. Her efforts helped control infection and disease in hospitals during the Crimean War (1853-1856).

Florence was known as the lady of the lamp. She worked tirelessly across the wards; tending to those injured in the war and subsequently reducing the death rate.

During the coronavirus, the makeshift hospitals in England were named after Florence Nightingale. The hospitals are not only a fitting tribute to her, but also to all NHS workers who have worked selflessly throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

We salute you Florence Nightingale and the NHS!
