
  • Word Diabetes Day (WDD) is marked every year on 14th November, on the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who in 1922 co-discovered insulin with Charles Best.
  • WDD was created in 1991 by the World Health Organisastion and International Diabetes Federation.
  • WDD is a global organisation for people with diabetes, advocates, policymakers, public and healthcare professionals to take action and raise awareness of diabetes. 


  • Around 537 million people are living with diabetes 
  • 3 in 4 people with diabetes live in low and middle income countries
  • Close to 50% of diabetes is undiagnosed 

What is diabetes?

“A chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces”.

Main causes of diabetes?

  • Physical inactivity
  • Obesity
  • Overweight 


What you can do to prevent diabetes

  • Eat healthy fats
  • Be more physically active
  • Lose extra weight
  • Eat healthy plant foods
  • Skip fad diets and make healthier choices