All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy!

While we at Greens all love our jobs and wish that we could be working 24 hours a day, very occasionally we need a break to recharge the batteries and to meet fellow professionals!

Last autumn Greens participated in the No5 Fountain Court golf tournament held at Edgbaston Golf Club and fun was had by all. Our team was a combination of youth and old age and consisted of the paternal figure of David Wilkins and the youth and enthusiasm of Gemma Preston and Matthew Saunderson.

The team was held together by Ed Milburn a senior Family Clerk at No 5 Chambers. The weather was kind, the course was in excellent condition and it was a thoroughly enjoyable day from a networking and relaxation point of view. I would like to say that we were a roaring success but in reality, what we lacked in talent we made up for in probably taking more shots than anyone else! It was a good opportunity to show that we at Greens do have a life outside the office and Court and we appeared to be the only representatives from the child care/ family Legal community in Birmingham.

Matthew Saunderson is already in training for next year, and as they say, for Matthew, the only way is up! We are looking forward to our invitation for later this year although I am not sure we will do any better than last year. Any ringers are cordially invited to apply, to anyone else out there looking for willing or unwilling participants for similar sorts of events, we at Greens are always willing to give it a go! As with our working life, we can never resist a challenge!
