Types of Domestic Abuse: Domestic Abuse Solicitors Can Help
Domestic abuse is the term used to refer to one person harming another person. The two people must have/or have had a relationship. They do not need to be heterosexual partners, they do not need to live in the same property, and the abuser can be male or female.
The most common understanding of domestic abuse is physical, however, there are other types of domestic abuse too.
In this article, we discuss the other types of domestic abuse, signs for spotting them and how a domestic abuse solicitor can help you.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is also known as psychological abuse. It can be hard to spot because there are no physical signs, however, it is just as damaging as physical abuse.
Emotional abuse is most often verbal. It can include behaviour like:
• Ignoring the victim
• Trying to control what the victim does, says and wears
• Humiliating or embarrassing the victim to damage their self-esteem
• Being overly possessive, including constantly accusing the victim of cheating
Coercive and Controlling Behaviour
Coercive and controlling behaviour is another type of domestic violence. This involves a pattern of assault, threats, humiliation, control and intimidation.
This can include:
• Threatening to self-harm or commit suicide if the victim doesn’t respect the abuser’s wishes
• Stopping the victim from following religious or cultural practices
• Isolating the victim from friends and family
• Monitoring the victim’s time
Gaslighting is a specific type of emotional abuse that aims to cause the victim to question their feelings, instincts and sanity. This gives the abuser power over the abused.
Common gas-lighting phrases might include:
• You’re crazy, that didn’t happen
• I never said that
• It’s all in your head
• You’re remembering it wrong
Signs you are being gaslighted might include:
• You constantly second-guess yourself
• You feel confused about events/how they happened
• You’re constantly apologising to your partner
• You’re constantly watching what you say, to avoid upsetting your partner
Financial Domestic Abuse
Financial abuse is another common tactic that abusers use to control their partners.
Financial abuse is usually cited as being the main reason an abuse victim stays in the relationship.
As the name suggests, this type of abuse involves controlling money and finances. This could be:
• Control over access to bank accounts
• The abuser refuses to contribute to household costs
• Preventing the abused from being in education or employment
• Controlling the abused pay and access to it
• Dictating what the abused can/can’t buy
Greens Solicitors Domestic Abuse Solicitors
Our domestic abuse lawyers are often instructed by the court to arrange emergency orders, protecting people who are suffering or at risk of domestic abuse.
We can apply for Non-Molestation Orders that prevent an abusive partner from using or threatening violence, contacting the victim or from being within a certain radius of the victim. We can also apply for Occupation Orders to prevent abusive partners from coming near, or residing in, the family home.
Contact our experts if you would like legal help related to any kind of domestic violence.