David Wilkins

Senior Associate Solicitor, Worcester

After spending the majority of my career in the Black Country, I moved back to Birmingham to take advantage of the expanding and vibrant opportunities at Green’s. Working within a team of friendly professionals who share my goal of delivering the best result is extremely encouraging.

I previously worked primarily within the criminal law sector, however now I predominantly specialise in public law as well as acting on behalf of parents, children and guardians. I seek to achieve strong results for my clients and avoid creating unrealistic expectations. Honesty is vital within this sector, something I always offer.

I approach every case with enthusiasm and aim to always create a friendly yet professional atmosphere. My experience means that I am confident in my ability, which is evidenced within my achievements. I am a member of the prestigious law society’s Children Law Panel and also accredited to the family law and criminal litigation panels.

I rarely have free time but when I do, I like to spend it playing golf and visiting my son in Cornwall.

"I approach every case with enthusiasm and aim to always create a friendly yet professional atmosphere. My experience means that I am confident in my ability, which is evidenced within my achievements. "
David Wilkins
Senior Associate Solicitor, Worcester

FAQs From David Wilkins

How do I get the best from my lawyer?

It is important that you stay in contact with me, and that you provide me with your full instructions when requested to do so. We will work together and I will need you to be open and honest with me. Similarly, I will be open and honest with you.

How much will it cost?

If you are a parent in Care Proceedings, you should qualify for Legal Aid, if your matter related to other Public Law proceedings then Legal Aid is likely to be means and merits tested, and we will do what we can to obtain Legal Aid in those circumstances. If you do not qualify for Legal Aid, we will provide you with a clear and concise estimate of our costs and will keep you informed of the costs situation as the matter progresses so that you can make informed decisions.

What should I expect?

My team and I will be fully committed to your case and will do all we can to secure the best possible outcome for you.

How long will it take?

Care Proceedings are normally required to finish within 26 weeks, although if the case is straight forward, it may finish sooner, and if it is particularly complicated, it might take longer.

Will you keep me informed on progress made and if so how?

You will be kept informed on a regular basis either in person, by phone, letter or email. I will always write to you following a Hearing or the happening of a significant event.

Can you guarantee I will be successful in my case?

I will promise to do all I can to obtain a result that you are happy with, although at all times the welfare if the child must come first.

What do you like most about working for Greens?

I work with a wonderful team of friendly and hardworking individuals who provide invaluable support.

Why should I bring my case to you?

I am very experienced, friendly, and I like to think that I bring confidence to a matter, I have an excellent team to assist me, and I will strive to do the best to you without making any promises that I cannot keep.