Support for Alzheimer’s – Breckon Beacon 26-mile Trek

by Edward Malkin

Whilst a lot of us have been suffering through the current pandemic, our thoughts and consideration given to the older generation who are reliant on the essential NHS staff to care for them on a day-to-day basis can be easily forgotten. A disease that is not commonly spoken about that can change your life, and the lives of those around you completely, Dementia and Alzheimer’s: the loss of cognitive functioning – thinking, remembering, and reasoning – and behavioural abilities to such an extent that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities. During this difficult time, loved ones have not been able to visit and support them and have had to watch and wait until restrictions were lifted.

My family, like many others, have been affected by this disease. My Father was diagnosed with early onset Dementia which then progressed into Alzheimer’s around 15 years ago. It can be truly emotional to watch your loved one almost slip away from the person they once were. This is why it is essential that money, time and research needs to be focused on a way to find a treatment and further support for those affected, and their families who have been affected by this disease.

That is why I am looking at raising awareness and raise money for research into this disease. Myself and some of my family members have signed up to do the Brecon Beacon 26-mile Trek in July 2021 to help raise money to help fund the research into this disease, and how it can be treated in the future.

Therefore, I simply ask that people help, support and talk about this disease so that we continue to generate awareness. Doing something as simple as sharing this page is enough to be raising awareness of the essential work that needs to be done to combat. The link for further information is given below for those that would like to support and share this page.

Any support for Team Jeff would be greatly appreciated and we thank you in advance.
