Greens Solicitors take part in the Birmingham Legal Walk 2019

On the 20th May 2019 fifteen of us took part in the Birmingham Legal Walk. This is an annual event and involves a 10 kilometre hike around the city, raising awareness and money for the Midland Legal Support Trust – a charity that supports free legal advice services and access to justice (a very worthy cause that we all support here at Greens). At 5pm we changed into our new branded T-Shirts and proceeded to Fountain Court in Steelhouse Lane where the walk began.

Over the following two hours we hiked past many of Birmingham’s landmarks: we went along Colmore Row and St Philip’s Cathedral, then down towards St Paul’s Square before a brief pitstop outside the University of Law for a welcome cupcake and glass of squash. We continued through the Jewellery Quarter and back towards the city centre where we dropped down to the canal and proceeded for a fair distance past Brindley Place, The National Indoor Arena and out parallel to Broad Street avoiding a number of surprised joggers and cyclists. Eventually we arrived at Edgbaston Reservoir where we did a complete lap before retracing our steps back along the canal to Gas Street Basin and a very welcome complementary drink was provided at Gas Street Social. Fortunately the weather stayed dry throughout the walk and the sun even came out at one point.

We were very pleased to have joined more than 200 other members of the legal profession at this fun event, although some of us did suffer from some sore feet the following day!
