Greens Hold Inaugural In-House Quiz

Now that the days are drawing in and the weather is getting a bit colder, the staff at Greens Solicitors Birmingham decided to heat up their brain cells by having an in house quiz after the office closed on Thursday 5th September. After quick round of pizza and drinks to get people in the mood, the serious business of answering trivia questions got underway. The competition was as fierce as you would expect when a group of lawyers get together, but in the end the contest had to be settled by a tie break which was won by a group from the Private Law Team.

A special mention should go out to Greens’ very own “Quizmaster General” Matthew Saunderson Solicitors Birmingham who helped organise this fun team building evening and for composing some challenging questions, ably assisted by Pia Bhopal on the night. Congratulations to the winning team and commiserations to the runners up – hopefully this will turn into an annual event so that the winners can attempt to retain their crown next year!

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