Family Court Fees to Increase in April 2024

It was announced on the 10th November 2023 that Court fees will increase by 10% in 2024. The rise in fees will take place in April 2024.
The Government has explained that the rise in Court fees is to help the Courts to improve their services and to continue delivering its services efficiently and effectively.
Here is a list of some of the most common family court applications which will see an increase in fees:
– An application for divorce, nullity or civil partnership, this fee will be rising from £593 to £652;
– A Child Arrangements Application, parental responsibility application, an enforcement application or a schedule 1 application will be rising from £232 to £255;
– An application for a contested financial remedy order will be rising from £275 to £303;
– An application to the Court (with consent) will be rising from £53 to £58;
– An application to the Court (without consent) will be rising from £167 to £184. You can find the full exhaustive list on the website.
If you need any assistance or advice in relation to getting a divorce, dividing your matrimonial finances or any disputes in relation to your children please do not hesitate in getting in touch with ourselves.