Contact during Coronavirus

The world is currently suffering from a Coronavirus pandemic.

We are receiving daily update from the Government as to the best way to stop the spread of coronavirus and many businesses up and down the country are responding to the Government guidance. However, here at Greens Solicitors know that whilst the country may be undertaking social distancing and self-isolating, it does not mean that the many different dynamics of family life do not continue.

Following the new rules announced by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson last night there was some uncertainty as to what this meant to the many families up and down the country where children live and spend time between two homes.

We confirm that the official Government guidance states ‘Where parents do not live in the same household, children under 18 can be moved between their parents’ homes.’

Greens Solicitors are committed to ensure that we remain open and available to all our existing and new client’s that may require our assistance at this extremely difficult and uncertain time. We are taking the governments advice and ensuring that all meetings can take place via skype or telephone and we are able to communicate over emails.

We are working with the Courts and other practitioners, both solicitors and barristers, to ensure that where possible Court hearings can still take place.

Please contact Greens Solicitors if you would like to make an appointment to speak to one of our solicitors.

Greens Solicitors