What is a Child Arrangements Order

A Child Arrangements Order is an Order made by the Court, that confirms the arrangements for a child, including who they live with and the arrangements for spending time with a parent that they do not live with.

If parents cannot reach an agreement as to how the care of the children will be shared and mediation is not successful, an application could be made to the Court for a Child Arrangements Order.

The Court’s paramount consideration is the welfare of a child and the Court will give consideration to the welfare checklist when making any decision.

How to make an application

Before issuing an application, you will need to attend a MIAM. This is the required first step unless certain exemptions apply.

Once a MIAM has been attended you can make an application. An C100 is the form that is used to make the application. A C1A can also be completed if you are making allegations in respect of harm and domestic violence.

There is a Court fee of £215 to be paid when making an application. You may, in some circumstances, be eligible for a fee exemption.

The Court will then, once it has received your application, set a date for a First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointment (FHDRA) either to be dealt with on paper or at a hearing.

CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisor Support Service) will be in contact, once the application has been issued, to completed the safeguarding checks.