Tips and Tricks for Attending Court:

It can be quite daunting attending Court for the first time. My team and I have put together a list of handy tips and tricks to help you :

1. Familiarise yourself with the location of the Court and how you will be getting there for example if you will be getting the bus, train or driving;

2. Ensure you have kept your diary free for the whole day. Some hearings can take longer than estimated and you will be required to remain at Court until the hearing has ended;

3. If your hearing is being heard remotely, meaning that you do not need to attend Court in person, make sure you have downloaded the correct software for example MS Teams or CVP so that you are able to participate in the hearing ;

4. Make sure that you arrive at Court on time. We advise you arrive at Court at least one hour before the hearing is due to start;

5. When entering the Court you will be required to go through security. Keep personal belongings to a minimum and only bring essential items;

6. Make sure you dress smartly;

7. If you have filed a statement with the Court beforehand, make sure you Familiarise yourself with the statement as you may be asked questions in relation to it;

8. Make note of your case number as this will help the Usher locate what Court room you are in;

9. When you arrive at Court make sure that you sign in with a Court Usher, the Usher will be located behind a desk on each floor of the building;

10. Make sure you are aware of who is representing you such as the name of your Solicitor or Barrister and how best to contact them. Agree a meeting place with your representation if possible;

11. Make sure that your phone is turned off before going into the hearing. The contents of the hearing is confidential;

12. You are allowed to bring a family member or friend to Court for support, however they are not allowed to go into the Court room with you. Only the parties to proceedings and their legal representation are allowed to go into the Court room;

13. During the hearing your legal representative will speak on your behalf. If you do not have a legal representative you will have to speak and address the Court;

14. If you wish to raise anything with your Solicitor or Barrister during the hearing, gently attract their attention and write down what you would like to say;

15. We understand attending Court can be an extremely emotional and stressful experience, particularly if you have to see your ex – partner, however remember to be polite and respectful before, during and after the hearing.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Greens Solicitors on 0121 233 2042.
