Julian is a Family Mediation Specialist and Professional Practice Consultant recognised by the Legal Aid Agency as competence assessed to carry out publicly funded work.
A dedicated and highly experienced mediator he works with clients across a broad range of disputes. Aside from Family mediation, he has also mediated Civil & Commercial, Workplace, Community, Special Education Needs and Disability as well as Gypsy and Traveller disputes.
As a result of his experience and training across multiple mediation models, he will deliver a truly bespoke service to clients. In particular, he is especially suited for (but not limited to) disputes where there is a significant human element such as will and probate, ToLATA, boundary, business, neighbour and indeed any dispute where there are people who need careful handling. He is a perceptive and empathetic people person and always firmly focused on the client. To date, he has successfully helped parties find resolution in hundreds of mediations.
With a sharp, commercially analytical mind, he is a first class communicator, linguist and natural problem solver. He brings a broad life and work experience, humour, insight, psychological and legal awareness together to help parties focus and find workable solutions. Perceptive, empathetic and quick to build trust, he is experienced in negotiating the terrain of power imbalances and cultural and linguistic divisions.
Trained in Law and Psychology, with a degree in Communications, Julian has worked in many different areas, both public and private, giving him a ready understanding of the different kinds of situations people find themselves in.
You can reach him directly at julian.rendall@greenssolicitors.org where he will be more than happy to assist you with any enquiries or you can call him on 0121 233 2090 or visit 8th Floor Temple Point, 1 Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5LG.